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- Organization: Anonymous contact service
- Reply-To: an170476@anon.penet.fi
- Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 19:56:22 UTC
- Subject: Battles Beneath the Earth (01/06)
- Lines: 397
- FILE NO. 012
- B A T T L E S B E N E A T H T H E E A R T H
- "There were over 650 attendees to the 1959 Rand Symposium."
- 'Commander X' related in one of his reports. "Most were
- representatives of the Corporate-Industrial State, like: The
- General Electric Company; AT&T; Hughes Aircraft; Northrop
- Corporation; Sandia Corporation; Colorado School of Mines, etc.
- "Bechtel (pronounced BECK-tul) is a supersecret
- international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the
- firm is really a 'Shadow Government'--a working arm of the CIA.
- It is the largest Construction and Engineering outfit in the
- U.S.A. and the World (and some say, beyond).
- "The most important posts in the U.S.A. Government are held
- by former Bechtel Officers. They are part of 'The Web' (an
- interconnected control system) which links the Tri-lateralist
- plans, the C.F.R., the Order of 'Illuminism' (Cult of the All-
- seeing Eye) and other interlocking groups..."
- "MIND MANIPULATING EXPERIMENTS... The Dulce Base has studied
- mind control implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of
- Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control, etc.
- "D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is
- using these technologies to manipulate people. They established
- 'The Projects,' set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the
- many participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are
- studied at Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group' (of 55 Scientists).
- They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and
- hidden the beneficial technology from the public.
- "Other Projects take place at 'Area 51' in Nevada...
- 'Dreamland' (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance
- Land); Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence); Cold Empire; Code
- EVA; Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System): BW/CW; IRIS
- (Infrared Intruder Systems); BI-PASS; REP-TILES, etc.
- "The studies on Level Four at Dulce include Human Aura
- research, as well as all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis, Telepathy,
- etc. (research). They know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body
- (of Man). They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleeve 'Delta
- Waves,' induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain-
- Computer link. They can introduce data and programmed reactions
- into your Mind (Information impregnation--the 'Dream Library').
- "We are entering an era of Technologicalization of Psychic
- Powers... The development of techniques to enhance man/machine
- communications; Nano-tech; Bio-tech micro-machines; PSI-War;
- E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory); R.H.I.C. (Radio-
- Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control); and various forms of behavior
- control (via chemical agents, ultrasonics, optical and other EM
- radiations). The Physics of 'Consciousness.'...
- "SURVIVING THE FUTURE... The Dulce Facility consists of a
- central 'Hub.' the Security Section (also some photo labs). The
- deeper you go, the stronger the Security. This is a multi-
- leveled complex. There are over 3000 cameras at various high-
- security locations (exits and labs).
- "There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce, many
- around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and
- even as far east as Lindrich.
- "Deep sections of the Complex CONNECT INTO (EXTENSIVE)
- "...INSIDE THE DULCE BASE... Security officers wear
- jumpsuits, with the Dulce symbol on the front, upper left side...
- The ID card (used in card slots, for the doors and elevators) has
- the Dulce symbol above the ID photo. 'Government honchos' use
- cards with the Great Seal of the U.S. on it. 'The Cult of the
- All-Seeing Eye' (The NEW WORLD ORDER) 13. '666', The Phoenix
- Empire... '9', 'Illuminism'... 'One out of many.' (and so on)."
- The Feb.-Mar. 1991 issue of 'UFO UNIVERSE' carried an
- article titled 'THE DEEP DARK SECRET AT DULCE', written by Bill
- Hamilton and 'TAL'. We are sure the reader will agree that the
- following article serves to tie-together much of what we've
- revealed in earlier files. If planet earth is the main
- 'battleground' for the final cosmic conflict, and the U.S. is one
- of the major areas on earth where the 'final outcome' will be
- decided, and since Dulce is considered to be the MAJOR BASE where
- human-alien interaction and conflict is taking place, then we
- should focus our attention on what has been going on deep below
- this small southwestern town. More than any other area in the
- U.S., if not the world, this small town has been the epicenter of
- nearly every form of paranormal activity one can imagine,
- including: UFO sightings, UFO landings, Abductions,
- implantations, Human & Animal mutilations, PSI warfare studies,
- Secret Government-Alien interaction, U.S. 'Constitutional'
- Government-Alien conflict, 'Reptilian' sightings, Underground
- bases, conspiracy scenarios, alien infiltration, deep-cavern
- phenomena, super high-tech activity, & MIB encounters. In fact a
- higher CONCENTRATION of such activities have been evident in the
- vicinity of Dulce than most other areas in the world, to the
- point that the inhabitants of this town have for the most part
- resigned themselves into accepting the reality of such activity
- whether they like it or not.
- Bill Hamilton and 'TAL', then, take us deep 'inside' the
- Hades-like labyrinthine depths of this underground megacomplex
- through the eyes of those who have been there. Brace yourselves:
- "Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico. It's
- population is about 900 and it is located above 7,000 feet on the
- Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is one major motel
- and just a few stores. It is not a resort town and it is not
- bustling with activity. Yet, according to a few outsiders, Dulce
- harbors a deep, dark secret. That secret is said to be harbored
- deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. That secret
- involves a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed
- to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
- "New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn into
- the mysteries of Dulce when called out to investigate a mutilated
- cow on the Manuel Gomez ranch in a pasture 13 miles east of
- Dulce. Gomez had lost four cattle to mutilations between 1976
- and June 1978 when a team of investigators which included Tom
- Adams arrived from Paris, Texas to examine the site of the
- carcass.
- "Curious as to how cattle were being selected by the
- mysterious mutilators, an interesting experiment was conducted on
- July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gomez, and retired scientist Howard
- Burgess. The three penned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle
- and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultra-violet
- light. They found a 'glittery substance on the right side of the
- neck, the right ear, and the right leg.' Samples of the affected
- hides were removed as well as control samples from the same
- animals.
- "Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from
- UFOs. Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena
- have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found
- at the time of the reported mutilation. UFOs have been seen
- frequently around Dulce.
- "I arrived in Dulce on April 19, 1988, to visit with Gabe
- Valdez and to inquire about the sightings, the mutes, and the
- rumors of an underground alien base in the area. There was
- still snow on the ground by the Best Western motel when I checked
- in and called Valdez. He made an appointment to see me at 9:30
- PM. I found Gabe to be a very congenial host as he offered to
- show us around the roads of Dulce that night and point out the
- various locations where he had found mutilated cows or had seen
- strange aerial lights. He made the astounding statement that he
- was still seeing unidentified aircraft at the rate of one every
- two nights. We took a look at the Gomez Ranch, the road by the
- Navajo River, and the imposing Archuleta Mesa. Gabe had found
- landing tracks and crawler marks near the site of the mutes.
- Gabe was convinced that scientist Paul Bennewitz of Thunder
- Scientific Labs in Albuquerque was definitely on the right track
- in his attempts to locate an underground alien facility in the
- vicinity of Dulce.
- "I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend
- Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working
- with Paul on electronic instruments. Walter said Paul had not
- only photographed UFOs, but had established a communication link
- with their underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had first come
- to prominence during the August 1980 sightings of UFOs over the
- Manzano Weapons Storage Area and Kirtland AFB. A Kirtland AFB
- incident report dated October 28, 1980 mentions that Bennewitz
- had taken film of UFOs over Kirtland. Paul was president of
- Thunder Scientific Labs adjacent to Kirtland. Bennewitz gave a
- briefing in Albuquerque detailing how he had seen the aliens on a
- video screen. The aliens were transmitting signals... from a
- base underneath Archuleta Mesa.
- "Researcher William Moore claims that government agents
- became interested in Bennewitz' activities and were trying to
- defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he
- could absorb. Whether Paul's communication with supposed aliens
- (or tapping into their communications network? - Branton) at the
- Dulce Base was part of this disinformation campaign is unclear.
- If one were to believe that Paul is the single source of reports
- on the Dulce Facility, then it could also be a tactical maneuver
- to discount and discredit Paul's allegation of an underground
- base if such reports were meant to remain secret. Then the
- actual disinformation maneuver would be to dis-inform the public
- and not a single individual.
- "In a report entitled 'PROJECT BETA' Paul states that he had
- spent two years tracking alien craft; that he had constant
- reception of video from an alien ship and underground base
- viewscreen; that he had established constant direct
- communications with the aliens using a computer and a form of
- Hexadecimal code with graphics and printout; and claims to have
- used aerial and ground photography to locate the alien ship's
- launch ports and charged beam weapons. Paul claimed that the
- aliens were devious, employed deception, and did not adhere to
- agreements. Paul and Walter were working on a weapon that would
- counter the aliens.
- "Some will think at this point that we have crossed-over
- from the land of clear thinking concerning anomalous phenomena to
- the land of science-fiction. But let us remember that bizarre
- phenomena such as the UFOs represent may have its roots in a
- bizarre reality. It is expected to be bizarre at first, but as
- we continue our studies we will evolve to understand it.
- "Paul Bennewitz had investigated the case of abductee Myrna
- Hansen of New Mexico who reported having been taken to an
- underground facility in May 1980. Christa Tilton of Oklahoma has
- reported that she had an experience of missing time in July 1987
- where she had been abducted by two small grey aliens and
- transported in their craft to a hillside location where she
- encountered a man dressed in a red military-like jump suit. She
- was taken into a tunnel through computerized check-points
- displaying security cameras. She reported having been taken on a
- transit vehicle to another area where she stepped on a scale-like
- device facing a computer screen. After the computer issued her
- an identification card, she was told by her guide that they had
- just entered Level One of a seven-level underground facility.
- Christa goes on relating how she was eventually taken down to
- Level Five. She reports having seen alien craft and little grey
- alien entities in some of the areas that she passed through.
- "Christa reports going into one large room where she saw
- large tanks with computerized gauges hooked to the tanks and
- large arms that extended from some tubing down into the tanks.
- She noticed a humming sound, smelled formaldehyde, and was under
- the impression that some liquid was being stirred in the tanks.
- Christa has made drawings of much of what she had witnessed
- during her abduction.
- "These tanks Christa talks about were depicted in a set of
- controversial papers called the Dulce Papers. These papers were
- allegedly stolen from the Dulce underground facility along with
- 30 black and white photos and a video tape by a mysterious
- security officer who claims to have worked at Dulce up until 1979
- when he decided that the time had come to part company with his
- employers. The rest of the story is about this security officer
- who has met with one of us in an attempt to tell us the truth
- about the aliens, the U.S. Government (Note: although some
- sources say that another 'government' completely separate from
- our Constitutional elected government is involved with this base,
- a 'secret' government that is - Branton), and the Dulce base. He
- is announcing his intention to come out of hiding and present
- soft and hard evidence of his claims. It will be up to you to
- decide whether this evidence constitutes an addition to the
- growing proof that a government cover-up exists.
- "In late 1979, Thomas C. could no longer cope with the
- awesome reality he had to confront. As a high level security
- officer at the joint alien-U.S. Government underground base near
- Dulce he had learned of and had seen disturbing things. After
- much inner conflict, he decided to desert the facility and take
- various items with him.
- "Using a small camera, he took over 30 photos of areas
- within the multi-level complex. He removed a security video tape
- from the Control Center which showed various security camera
- views of hallways, labs, aliens, and U.S. Government personnel.
- He also collected documents to take with him. Then, by shutting
- off the alarm and camera system in one of the over 100 exits to
- the surface, he left the facility with the photos, video, and
- documents. These 'originals' were hidden after five sets of
- copies were made.
- "Thomas was ready to go into hiding. But, when he went to
- pick up his wife and young son, he found a van and government
- agents waiting. He had been betrayed by K. Lomas (a fellow
- worker) who was instrumental in the kidnapping of his wife and
- child. The agents wanted what Thomas had taken from the facility
- for which he would get his wife and son back. It became apparent
- to him that his wife and son would be used in biological
- experiments and were not going to be returned unharmed. That was
- a little over ten years ago.
- "How did Thomas get involved in all this covert intrigue?
- "Thomas is now about 50 years old (i.e. at the time the
- article was written - 1991 - Branton). When he was in his mid-
- twenties, he received top secret training in photography at an
- underground facility in West Virginia. For seven years, he
- worked for the Rand Corp. in Santa Monica, California when in
- 1977 he was transferred to the Dulce facility. He bought a home
- in Santa Fe, New Mexico and worked Monday through Friday with
- weekends off. All Dulce Base personnel commute via a deep
- underground tube-shuttle system.
- "At the time, one of us (TAL) was working security in Santa
- Fe, M.M. and was privately investigating UFO sightings, animal
- mutilations, Masonic and Wicca groups in the area. Thomas had a
- mutual friend who came to Santa Fe in 1979 to visit both of us.
- This individual would later view the photos, video tape and
- documents taken from the Dulce Base. Drawings were made from
- what was seen and circulated later in the UFO research community
- as the 'Dulce Papers.'
- "Thomas alleges that there were over 18,000 of the short
- 'greys' at the Dulce Facility. He has also seen (tall) reptilian
- humanoids. One of us (TAL) had come face-to-face with a 6-foot
- tall Reptoid which had materialized in the house. The Reptoid
- showed interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which
- were on the wall. The maps were full of colored push-pins and
- markers to indicate sites of animal mutilations, caverns, the
- locations of high UFO activity, repeated flight paths, abduction
- sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien underground bases.
- "...The security level goes up as one descends to the lower
- levels. Thomas had an ULTRA-7 clearance. He knew of seven sub-
- levels, but there may have been more. Most of the aliens are on
- levels 5, 6, and 7. Alien housing is on level 5. The only sign
- in English was one over a tube shuttle station hallway which read
- 'to Los Alamos.' Connections go from Dulce to (the) Page,
- Arizona facility, then to an underground base below Area 51 in
- Nevada. Tube shuttles go to and from Dulce to facilities below
- Taos, N.M.; Datil, N.M.; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Creed,
- Colorado; Sandia; then on to Carlsbad, New Mexico. There is a
- vast network of tube shuttle connections under the U.S. which
- extends into a global system of tunnels and sub-cities.
- "At the Dulce Base, most signs on doors and hallways are in
- the alien symbol language and a universal symbol system
- understood by humans and aliens. Thomas stated that after the
- second level, everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a
- uniform. Visitors are given off-white uniforms. The weight of
- the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Any change
- in weight is noted. Any change in over three pounds requires a
- physical exam and X-ray. The uniforms are jump suits with a
- zipper.
- "In front of all sensitive areas are scales built into the
- floor by doorways and the door control panels. An individual
- places his computer I.D. card into the door slot, then presses a
- numerical code and buttons. The person's card must match with
- the weight and code or the door will not open. Any discrepancy
- in weight will summon security. No one is allowed to carry
- anything into sensitive areas. All supplies are put on a conveyor
- belt and X-rayed. The same method is used in leaving sensitive
- areas.
- "All elevators are controlled magnetically, but there are no
- elevator cables. The magnetic system is inside the walls of the
- elevator shaft. There are no normal electrical controls.
- Everything is controlled by advanced magnetics, including
- lighting. There are no regular light bulbs. The tunnels are
- illuminated by Phosphorous units with broad, structureless
- emission bands. Some DEEP TUNNELS use a form of phosphorous
- pentoxide to temporarily illuminate certain areas. The aliens
- won't go near these zones for reasons unknown (Note: This
- suggests that these deeper tunnels may have originally been built
- by beings other than the reptilians - Branton).
- "The studies on Level 4 include human-aura research, as well
- as all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis, and dreams. Thomas says
- that they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the
- physical body and place an 'alien entity' force-matrix within a
- human body after removing the 'soul' life-force-matrix of the
- human (or, in more simple terms - 'Kill' the human being and turn
- it into a vessel to be used by one of the 'infernals' in order to
- allow it to work and operate in the physical realm. This appears
- to be a complex version of the ancient 'zombie' traditions, if in
- fact such horrific things are taking place in this installation.
- Incidentally, according to one source the inter-networking
- underground system converging below Dulce is only described IN
- PART in accounts such as this, although the vast extent of the
- underground mega-complex is nearly the size of Manhattan! -
- Branton).
- "Level 6 is privately called 'Nightmare Hall'. It holds
- the genetic labs. Here are experiments done on fish, seals,
- birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original
- forms. There are multi-armed and multi-legged humans and several
- cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures (disobedient
- 'Mothmen'? - Branton) up to 7-feet tall. The aliens have taught
- the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful and
- dangerous.
- "The Greys, the Reptoids, the winged Draco species are
- highly analytical and technologically oriented. THEY HAVE HAD
- ANCIENT CONFLICTS WITH THE EL-HUMANS (or 'Anakim' - human giants
- existing in subterranean realms who have also allegedly
- established bases on other planetary bodies - Branton) and may be
- "Principal government organizations involved with mapping
- the human genetics, the so-called genome projects are within the
- Department of Energy (which has a heavy presence on the Nevada
- Test Site); the National Institute of Health; the National
- Science Foundation; the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and, of
- course, the Dulce Underground Labs run by the DOE.
- "Is the alien and human BIO-TECH being used to nurture and
- serve us or is it being used to CONTROL AND DOMINATE US? Why
- have UFO abductees been used in genetic experiments?
- HIM. He says, 'I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually
- dazed or drugged, but sometimes THEY CRIED AND BEGGED FOR HELP.
- We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high-
- risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told NEVER TO SPEAK TO
- THEM AT ALL. At the beginning we believed the story. Finally in
- 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. THAT BEGAN
- "We may find it hard and unpalatable to digest or even
- believe Thomas' story and why should we even give it a hearing at
- all? Probably for no other reason than the fact that MANY OTHERS
- are coming out and telling bizarre stories and the fact that
- there may be a terrible truth hidden behind the continuing
- phenomena of UFO sightings, abductions, and animal mutilations.
- Our government intelligence agencies have had an ongoing watchful
- eye on all UFO activities for many decades now. This bizarre
- phenomena must have a bizarre explanation. We may be only one
- outpost in (a) vast interstellar drama.
- "Recently, researcher John Anderson went to Dulce, N.M. to
- see if he could see if there is anything to the reported UFO
- activity. He says that he arrived in town coincidentally to see
- a caravan of cars and a McDonnell Douglas mini-lab in a van going
- up a rural road near the town. He followed them to a fenced-in
- compound where he waited to see further developments. Suddenly,
- six UFOs descended rapidly over the compound, hovered long enough
- for him to snap one picture, then shot up and out of sight. When
- later stopping in a store to tell the owner of the UFO photo he
- had taken, the store owner listened and revealed how he had been
- a victim cattle rancher of cattle mutes. Their conversation was
- interrupted by a phone call after which the store owner told John
- to leave at once, then closed the store after John went to his
- car. John then saw a mysterious van drive up to the store and a
- man got out and went in. John decided to leave Dulce at that
- moment but WAS FOLLOWED BY TWO MEN IN A CAR as he left town.
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